7 Things Guys Must Avoid Saying While Talking To Your Girl

7 Things Guys Must Avoid Saying While Talking To Your Girl

There are few things that we know will happen for sure- like the sun will rise only in the east and we will die one day – and in midst of all this without realizing you end up fighting with your girlfriend or wife. One minute before you were having this absolutely fine talk with her – and the next minute you said something that just made her flip at you. Thanks to that one word or sentence that you were not supposed to say, but said it. Not saying all girls are same, but majority of the lot does not like when you say certain things to them.

So this Valentine’s to avoid getting into a fight with your girl, read on!


1. “Are you going to finish all that food?”

Things Guys Must Avoid

Seriously, why do you thing girls don’t eat. Well ok, some don’t but a lot of us do. So to answer your question – YES! So, just stop asking my food habits.


2. “Are You PMS-ing?”

Things Guys Must Avoid

Hang on there! Do you even know what and when we PMS? Every time we go nuts is not because we are PMS-ing it’s because of a situation. Duh!  And yeah, we do PMS like bitch sometimes.


3. “Are you on your period?”

Things Guys Must Avoid

Ok, I don’t understand why everything comes to PMS and period. We might get pissed at small things, but that doesn’t mean we are PMS-ing or shedding blood 24×7. 


4. You remind me of my mom

Things Guys Must Avoid

Wait a minute isn’t your mom like 50 something. Do you mean I look old; I have wrinkles and so on. Don’t say this, all women have a mom trait, but don’t tell her this.


5. “You look different!”

Things Guys Must Avoid

Wait what; you need to be specific what is different.  This statement is very broad. So next time be specific of what is different, but only if it’s a good different.


6. “Your friend looks hotter”

Things Guys Must Avoid

Well so does your friend. By saying this you just create a barrier between the two of us and that’s how we begin to doubt on you.


7. “It’s not you it’s me”

Things Guys Must Avoid

So cliche! Yeah good one! As if we don’t know what you mean there. So stop beating around the bush and speak the truth.

It’s not your fault that we overthink, but you can be careful when you say mean things to us. Just love us!


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