Why Having An Orgasm Is Scientifically Proven To Be Good For Women

Why Having An Orgasm Is Scientifically Proven To Be Good For Women

Ok ladies, let’s face it. You need to have orgasms as much as men do. For pleasure, yes, but more importantly for your own physical as well as mental health. While most women in India neglect their own orgasms and focus more on their man’s pleasure, the stigma and taboo around women having sex and gaining pleasure from it is to blame for the same. In the age of gender eq& Fitneo try having sex or basically orgasms at least once in a week. Orgasms help to improve circulation in the pelvic area thereby providing nutrients to all areas and leading to a normal regular menstrual cycle.


Orgasms help in concentration

Orgasms lead to better blood circulation. This means that the brain gets more oxygenated blood pumped up leading to better focus. The secretion of oxytocin during an orgasm is also helpful in cheering up the mood and thus gaining more social skills by increasing the want of interaction and activity.

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Orgasms improve reproductive health

In many cultures, female orgasms are seen as a taboo and many such cultures believe, even today, that an orgasm could adversely affect the ability of a woman to reproduce. This is an insane idea. By energising the hypothalamus gland, which in return charges the pituitary gland, orgasms aid in the release of reproductive fluids thereby inducing ovulation.

For all this talk of female orgasms, many ask a very simple question. Men have orgasms to release sperms and reproduce. Why do women have orgasms? This can actually be answered by considering the evolution of humans. While the human species was evolving, female orgasms played a very important role in making a woman ovulate. Thus, male and female orgasms work together in the process of reproduction; apart from the pleasure inducing reason of course! Not to forget, why should boys have all the fun? Right, ladies?


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