6 Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period

6 Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period

“Oh! I want to just binge over ice-creams and greasy food” – has this thought occurred to you on your period. Well, we all have this food craving, where we binge on food items and then ruin our body’s system. Food really is medicine, so you need to eat the right things, especially during menstrual cycles.

Scroll down to find out which are the Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period.


1.  Banana


Read: HealthyEating Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle

Oh, I love bananas! They are the best mood boosting food, thanks to its high dose of Vitamin B6. They are also a rich source of potassium and magnesium, which avoid bloating. If not plain, you can add banana with strawberry or mango and make a morning healthy dessert bowl.


2.  Orange

Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period


These citrusy fruits are a rich source of calcium, which reduces the feeling of anxiety and depression which we get more of such during the cycle.


3.  Green leafy veggies

Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period


During your periods your iron levels can dip, which is one reason for your food craving. Instead of chomping on greasy food, pick spinach, collard, chard or kale in your diet.


4.  Broccoli

Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period

Though not that great in taste, you can make your own recipe by adding some black pepper and some nicely chopped sauted garlic to make it taste better. Broccoli control your mood swings. They are a rich source of the vital nutrients you need when on your period.


5.  Salmon

Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period

Period cramps – salmon to the rescue. This fish is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which helps to relax your muscle and relieve pain. If you are pure vegetarian like me, there is substitute for salmon; walnuts, avocado and flax seed.


6.  Dark Chocolate

Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period

This is my favourite food item in the entire list. They are not only a rich source of anti-oxidants, but also magnesium. Magnesium not only control your mood swing, but also helps regulate serotonin; which is your happy hormone. Don’t go with anything below 60% cocoa.



1.  Carbonated drinks

Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period

These sugary and fizzy drinks contribute to bloating. Hang on to water only. If you want, you could infuse your water with fruits for some flavor like adding a slice of lemon or orange into your drink. Also, avoid drinking sparkling water.


2.  Deep fried food

Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period

know it is hard, we all cannot say no to these crispy delicacies. Avoid trans-fat foods, which lift oestrogen levels. Fried food will only induce pain, during your periods.


3.  Processed foods

Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period

These are high in sodium, which again causes bloating. Chuck all the attractive packages away. You have to control the sodium intake, to avoid bloating. Intake more of natural grown foods like fruits and veggies.


4.  Refined grain

Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period

Refined grain or flour like bread, pasta,oats and popcorn causes blood sugar and appetite imbalance. Moreover, both are a concern during your period. Pick whole grain or multi-grain produce.


5.  Legumes

Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period

We all experience stomach bloating when we eat any kind of legumes.,don’t we!? Keep them out of sight to stay most comfortable during periods, strictly avoid eating during nights.


6.  High fat

Best Food To Eat and Worst Food To Skip On Your Period

Burger,fries or any other fat food affect your body hormones, which leads to pain and discomfort. Avoid red meat and dairy products as well.


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